Sunday, September 18, 2011

Year A, Proper 20, September 18, 2011

But God...I think I ordered pumpernickel

Exodus 16:2-15   (Click on the scriptures to read them)

WE need something.  What is it? 

We often get lost in what we want in such a way that we can’t even begin to see what it is that we really need. 

YOU need something.  What is it?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Year A, Proper 19, September 11, 2011

Ten Year Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks 

Matthew 18:21-35 (click on the scripture to read it)

We gather together today to remember...  
On one hand, remembering can trigger a sense of feeling lost, and on the other hand remembering can give us strength and hope.  Either way, remembering is good; it’s a part of who we are; it’s a part of our story; remembering leads to healing.  Though remembering is good, it is not always easy... At times I still become overwhelmed by strong emotions...  So many questions… Why?  Why did this have to happen?  Some say it was from God, others say it was humanities doing.  In looking back, I see ignorance, arrogance, politics, anger, and fear.  I think I will always struggle as I process my understandings of why it happened.