Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Year C, Christmas Day, 2012

And the Word became flesh and lived among us...

John 1:1-14 (click on the scripture to read it)

We are gathered here today to celebrate the incarnation…, to celebrate God becoming human.  But why did God become incarnate?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Year B, Proper 19, September 16, 2012

James 3:1-12 (click on the scripture to read it)

Giddyup or Whoa... Who's Holding the Reins?

Who has authority over us in our everyday lives?

One aspect of authority would be the structure of society.  We the people, or at least we the majority of the people, build a set of authoritative structures that we live within.  These structures, that we are very blessed to have a voice in designing, are intended to keep us from harming ourselves and others…structures that should be laid out for the common good of our society.  The result of this communal authoritative process, or rather democratic process, gives us our laws. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Annual Parish Meeting: Proclaiming is NOT enough!

The Rector’s Report: January 22, 2012

Mark 1:14-20  (click on the scripture to read it)

Proclaiming is NOT enough!

The Church is a complex system of relationships.  I’m not just talking about St. Paul’s; I’m talking about the Church worldwide; I’m talking about all the people who believe in Jesus Christ.  We are a part of that complex system of relationships, a system that started with the words, “Follow me”.