Monday, April 22, 2013

Year C, Easter 4, April 21, 2013

Walk...Don't Run

Year C, Easter 4, April 21, 2013

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing and the explosion of a fertilizer plant near Waco Texas.

John 10:22-30 (NRSV)
(click on the scripture to read it)

I want to talk about Darkness… Not about the scientific sense of the word, but more about our perceptions of darkness and how we react to it.
So I ask the question, What is it like to be in darkness?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Year C, Lent 2, February 24, 2013

Temptation: Don't Run and Hide

Year C, Lent 2, 2013

Luke 13:31-35 (click on the scripture to read it)

The joy of having multiple preachers in a parish is that we are able to experience Holy Scripture from different voices coming from diverse perspectives.  These diverse perspectives originate through our preachers’ personal experiences with the Divine.  Whether it’s from age, gender, or cultural experiences, it is the preacher’s unique perspective from which their insights about God are revealed.